Award-winning works in 2020

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print department

1. Nagahama Mayor Award [Mankazashiki]

Nagahama Mayor Award

1-2.Additional receipt [Sunset Bonmei Exhibition]

Additional Recipient Award
"Sunset Bon Plum Blossom Exhibition"

2. Nagahama City Council Chairman Award [Early Spring Bonbai]

Nagahama City Council Chairman Award
"Early spring bonbai"

3. Nagahama City Superintendent of Education Award [Eternal Youth]

Nagahama City Superintendent's Award
"Eternal youth"

4. Nagahama Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman's Award [Blooming]

Chairman of Nagahama City Chamber of Commerce and Industry
"Blooming in full bloom"

5. Nagahama Tourism Association Director's Award [Bonbai plum and cutout fairy tale]

Nagahama Tourism Association Chairman Award
"Fairy tale of bon plum blossoms and cutouts"

7. Asahi Shimbun Award [Attracted by the smell of plums]

Asahi Shimbun Award
“The smell of plums lures me in.”

8.Mainichi Newspaper Award [Hanaen]

Mainichi Newspaper Award
"Flower Flame"

9.Yomiuri Shimbun Award [Collaboration of Japanese and Beauty]

Yomiuri Shimbun Award
"Collaboration of harmony and beauty"

10. Chunichi Shimbun Award [Yumebutai]

Chunichi Shimbun Award

11. Kyoto Shimbun Award [Eternal youth and commemorative photo]

Kyoto Shimbun Prize
"Eternal youth and commemorative photos"

Digital department

12. Hamako Moon Award [Almost Spring]

Hamako Moon Award

"Spring is almost here"

13. Kita Biwako Hotel Grazie Award [Kochifu Fukaba]

Kita Biwako Hotel Grazie Award


Hotel & Resorts NAGAHAMA Award

"Let's celebrate spring together"

15. Green Hotel Yes Nagahama Minatokan Award [White Plum and Weeping Plum]

Green Hotel Yes Nagahama Minatokan Award

"White plum and weeping plum"

16.Hotel Yes Nagahama Ekimae Award [Shinuchi]

Hotel Yes Nagahama Ekimae Award

"True hit"

24. Prix L'Hotel du Lac [Night Plum "Hinasa and Eternal"]

L'Hotel du Lac Award

"Night Plum "Hinasa and Eternal""

17.Sugaya Onsen Award [Hanakoi]

Sugatani Onsen Award

"Flower love"

18. Ryokan Beniyu Award [Plum Blossom Trio]

Ryokan Beniayu Award

"Plum Blossom Trio"

19. Lake Biwa Kisen Award [Blooming]

Lake Biwa Kisen Award

"Blooming in full bloom"

20. Lake Biwa Kisen Award [Wow! amazing! ]

Lake Biwa Kisen Award

"Wow! That's amazing!"

21. Lake Biwa Kisen Award [With Yukitsuri]

Lake Biwa Kisen Award

"With Yukitsuri"

22.Lake Biwa Kisen Award [Delicate]

Lake Biwa Kisen Award


23. Lake Biwa Kisen Award [Out of Season Christmas Night]

Lake Biwa Kisen Award

"Out of Season Christmas Night"

Insta section

keystone1_photography “Lost bear in the Bonbai forest”

Instagram award

"Lost Bear in the Bonbai Forest"

kojinao1122 "wearing a phoenix"

Instagram award

"Wearing a phoenix"

michiyo01130312 “Keishun”

Instagram award


naoya6555 “If you look down, the sky is full of plum blossoms”

Instagram award

"If you look down, you'll see a universe of plum blossoms"